Homework Policy

Revised 2005


Introductory Statement and Rationale

With the introduction of the revised curriculum teachers felt that our existing homework policy needed to be revised.  This policy is the result of  work done with the whole staff on our Planning Day and also with parent representatives.


In St. Catherine’s we recognise that each pupil is unique with different gifts as well as different needs.  Our wish is to develop the positive potential of each pupil by offering a relevant curriculum.  We see ourselves as working in partnership with parents to develop these gifts and to meet the needs of all.


Homework is assigned in class

  • to re-enforce what the child learns during the day.
  • to develop a child’s concentration skills and develop a work ethic.
  • to provide a link between teacher and parent.
  • to promote a continuous approach to homework across all classes.

Content of Policy

Homework is given to all classes from 2nd to 6th from Monday to Thursday.

Each pupil has a homework journal in which she writes her tasks.

Homework will consist of reading, oral work and written tasks.

Parents are expected to check the work done and sign the homework journal particularly in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th classes.

The following are guidelines for time spent at homework.

2nd and 3rd Classes             30 minutes  (approx)

4th Class                            45 minutes  (approx)

5th and 6th Classes             1 hour      (approx)

These times should be taken as a rough guide.  Different children will complete the same homework in different lengths of time.

Colouring, projects etc may take a little longer.

Each pupil should complete her homework to the best of her ability.

Some Guidelines for Parents

How can parents help?

  • Set aside a quiet, regular time for doing homework – the earlier the better.
  • Remove distractions like music, television etc. from the room.
  • The child should be sitting comfortably at a table.
  • Encourage your child to keep books and copies clean and tidy.
  • If your child is working independently, be available to help and show an interest in what is being done.
  • Praise your child’s efforts at every opportunity.
  • If, when working with your child you feel yourself becoming impatient, take a break.
  • If a child has difficulty with some homework help her to overcome the difficulty with further explanation or examples.
  • If the difficulty persists write a note to the teacher in the homework journal.

Homework not Completed

Teachers who find that homework is not completed will write a note in the homework journal for parents to sign.

After the third note about incomplete homework, a formal letter will be sent to the parents inviting them to come and discuss the problem.

Records of these notes and meetings will be kept by the class teacher and in the office.

When should parents communicate with teachers about homework?

  • when your child cannot do homework due to unusual family circumstances.
  • If the time being spent at homework is often much longer than the recommended amount of time.

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