The Sacrament of Confirmation

Confirmation is a personal call to commit ourselves to Jesus Christ – to be His followers in His Church and to witness to Him. The Christian journey begins with Baptism at the request of parents. Since Baptism our children have made a journey of faith in which others have tried to share faith and Christian values with them. They have received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Now these children have reached an age when they can now make their own profession of faith and know what it means. They now become ‘adult Christians’, mature enough to make important decisions, with the help of parents and with the help of school and the community of the Church.

Confirmation Preparation

Home School and Parish

Parents contribute most to their child’s development of faith as they strive to give an example of Christian living. They are not alone as they fulfil this role. Home and school complement each other as the teacher seeks to clarify the faith that the child receives from home, through the ‘Grow in Love’ religious programme of the school. The parish community supports family faith through the celebration of Mass and other religious activities.

Those who wish to be Confirmed (the candidate) will have to formally apply for Confirmation. In Confirmation the candidate makes a personal response and commitment to the promises made on their behalf at Baptism. They say,

“I believe my Catholic Faith is important to me”. I believe that I belong to the Parish community of The Most Precious Blood, Cabra West.

General Information

Baptism Certificate: We require a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate. It can be got in the Church where the child was Baptised and can be emailed to Sr. Philomena.

Confirmation Name: At Confirmation candidates choose an extra name as a sign to everyone of the beginning of a new way of living as a follower of Jesus. Candidates are encouraged to consider choosing the name of a Saint or family member whose Christian life they admire.

(A google search of Saints might help your child in choosing a Saints name)

Confirmation Sponsor:  Who can be a Sponsor?

The choice of sponsor is important. A sponsor…

  • Can be the child’s Godparent.
  • Should be a practicing member of the faith community.
  • Should not be the parent of the child.
  • Must already be Confirmed.
  • Must be a least 16 years of age.
  • Only one is required.
  • Should give good example and encouragement to the child being Confirmed.

White Robe

In Baptism the white garment is a sign of being brought into the death and resurrection of Christ and symbolises Christ clothing the child with His Love. In First Communion  we use the garment again to signify that in the eyes of God, all are equal , male and female, rich and poor, and all clothed in God’s love. It helps us focus on the real meaning of what we are celebrating. This symbolism is carried through to Confirmation and this time the candidate is acknowledging and confirming the gift of God’s love as given in Baptism. It is the policy of Most Precious Blood Parish that all candidates wear the robe for Confirmation.

For further information please email

When you have expressed an interest that you wish your child to be prepared to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation the parish will:

  • Invite you to an information zoom meeting
  • Ask you to complete the online registration form
  • Support your child by accompanying them to the monthly ‘Confirming our children’ Masses
  • Encourage your child to participate as fully as possible in the Confirmation preparation programme

Confirmation Calendar

Zoom Information Meeting

Tuesday, 4th October  at 7pm & 7.30 p.m.

Enrolment and Commitment Mass

Sunday, 23rd October in the Precious Blood Church  @ 11.30a.m. Mass

Confirming our Children

Masses in the Parish Church (11.30a.m Sunday Mass)

Candidates attend each Sunday with their family in the Parish Church.

Sundays 20th November, 18th December, 22nd January, 26th February & 26th March.

Confirmation Connect

Zoom Parent and Child Sessions @ 7pm, 7.40pm and 8.20pm

Wednesdays 18th January, 22nd February and 22nd March 2023.

Service of Reconciliation 

Candidates and their families are invited to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession on one Saturday at 6pm in the Oratory during the month of May.

Service of Light

Saturday 20th May @ 6.30pm Mass (St. Catherine’s, St. Finbarr’s & Casa Caterina)

Confirmation Day

Pentecost Sunday 28th May 2023 @ 11.30am Mass

Please contact Sr. Philomena in relation to any queries on the Parish Confirmation Programme.